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Important Announcements 

Athletic Forms

PIAA Athletic Forms

PIAA Physical Form (Sections 1-6)

Prior to any student participating in Practices, Inter-School Practices, Scrimmages, and/or Contests, at any PIAA member school in any school year, the student is required to (1) complete a Comprehensive Initial PreParticipation Physical Evaluation (CIPPE); and (2) have the appropriate person(s) complete the first six Sections of the CIPPE Form. Upon completion of Sections 1 and 2 by the parent/guardian; Sections 3, 4, and 5 by the student and parent/guardian; and Section 6 by an Authorized Medical Examiner (AME), those Sections must be turned in to the Principal, or the Principal’s designee, of the student's school for retention by the school. The CIPPE may not be authorized earlier than June 1st and shall be effective, regardless of when performed during a school year, until the next May 31st.

PIAA Recertification by Parent/Guardian (Section 7)

Please complete this form before patricipating in any additional sport occurring after the initial physical was turned in. This form must be completed not earlier than six weeks prior to the first Practice day of the sport(s) in the sports season(s) identified herein by the parent/guardian of any student who is seeking to participate in Practices, Inter-School Practices, Scrimmages, and/or Contests in all subsequent sport seasons in the same school year. The Principal, or the Principal’s designee, of the herein named student’s school must review the SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH HISTORY. If any SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH HISTORY questions are either checked yes or circled, the herein named student shall submit a completed Section 8, Re-Certification by Licensed Physician of Medicine or Osteopathic Medicine, to the Principal, or Principal’s designee, of the student’s school.

PIAA Recertification by Licensed Doctor (Section 8)

This form is required, before a student can return, after they have been deemed unable to participate and after completion of medical treatment due to illness or injury.

PIAA Minimum Wrestling Weight (Section 9)

This form is required prior to participating in intersholastic wrestling. 

Consent for Treatment Form

UPMC Sports Medicine Services has been contracted to provide sports medicine services for Mercer Area School District athletes.