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Important Announcements 

Business Office

Department Overview

The Mercer Area School District Business Office fiscally supports the District’s mission, goals and objectives essential for sound decision-making and management.

The Business Office includes the functions of: Payroll, Benefits, Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable Processing, Purchasing/Bidding, Fiscal Data Processing, Property and Earned Income Tax Administration, Investments, Debit Service, Finance, Capital Projects, Food Service, State and Local Audits, Accounting and Budgeting Services for the District.

The District’s revenue is primarily from three sources: Local - 47%, State - 52% and Federal -1%. Local sources include real estate taxes, per capita taxes, earned income taxes, delinquent taxes, interest on investments and grants including Title I, Title IIA and IDEA. State sources include subsidies for basic education, special education, transportation, social security and retirement. Federal sources include ACCESS and other grants.


Contact Us

Michael Stabile
Business Manager/Board Secretary

Diane Nugent
Assistant to the Business Manager/Payroll Specialist
724-662-4120 ext. 31

Dana Rowe
Accounts Payable/Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
724-662-4120 ext. 32