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Important Announcements 

Bus Loading Procedures

It is the transportation directors responsibility to establish a regular schedule within a reasonable range of time. (That range will increase, of course, in extreme weather or when there are problems with the bus itself.)

Drivers are not permitted to wait for students at pick-up points. It is un-lawful for a bus to hold up traffic. Also, a bus that waits for one child will be late for the next child and all subsequent children.

Parents are responsible for having their children at bus pick-up points on time. Parents also should instruct their children to stay back from the road until the bus is fully stopped and the lights are flashing. This is especially important in bad weather. In case of young children, parents should help form good safety habits. They should talk to their children about situations that might arise: what to do if a pet comes to the bus, if papers blow out of the child’s hand and under the bus as the driver is pulling away, or if a stranger tries to pick up the child. Children should be instructed to go di-rectly home after departing the bus.

Students will be assigned to both a specific bus and bus stop. Students are permitted to ride only the bus to which they have been assigned and must get on and off the bus at their assigned stop. In the case of an extreme emergency such as serious family illness or death, the building principal may grant an exception. Parents may choose to have their child picked up at one location and dropped off at another, but any change must be the same for every day of the week and must be approved based on seat availability, bus routing, and cost to the district.

It is very difficult for drivers to keep track of their children if they do not follow a safe, daily routine. It is important that parents support the bus driver and school principal when dealing with the misconduct of students riding the bus. The school’s only concern is for the safety of the children. The administration has the authority to suspend students at any time from the bus.