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Important Announcements 


Mustang Pride Overview

Mustang Pride is strong at Mercer Elementary School! 

Our School-Wide Positive Behavior system recognizes our students for all of the positive things they do. During the first week of school each year, the students rotate through various centers to learn the expectations of our school.  They learn what it means to Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible in the following areas:  Hallways, Cafeteria, Restrooms, Playgrounds, Classrooms, Assemblies, Buses, Arrival, and Dismissal. 

Throughout the school year, the School-Wide Positive Behavior Support team collects behavioral data. This data is used each month to address concerns and develop plans aimed at decreasing the amount of time spent on behavior disruptions and increasing time on academic success.  

A reward system is in place to recognize students for their good choices. Students receive Mustang Pride tickets from staff members who want to reward them for their role model behavior. Students are then recognized throughout the school and receive special rewards through this system.

How can you support SWPBS as a parent?

  • Reinforce with your child the concept of being: Safe, Kind, Respectful, and Responsible.
  • Continue to promote a positive attitude within your child!
  • Encourage your child to be an active participant in modeling positive behavior.

You are a vital link to making this program a success. We value your role as parents, and we are excited for the future of Mercer Elementary School!


White Mustang On Top of a Blue M


Contact Us

Greg Acre  

SWPBS Coach - Andrea Crooks
SWPBS Coach - Maggie Ference  



Click below to view the school wide expectations in each location throughout our school.









Special Activities