Middle High School Curriculum
French V
Click on the area of study below to access the curriculm for each class offered in that area.
English/Language Arts
English 7
Reading 7
English 8
Reading 8
English 9
College Prep English 9
English 10
College Prep English 10
English 11
College Prep English 11
English 12
College Prep English 12
AP English
Pre-Algebra A
Pre-Algebra B
Algebra I
Algebra II
Financial Algebra
Applied Discrete Mathematics
Algebra III/Trigonometry
AP Calculus
Social Studies
Ancient World History
Early American History
Modern World History
American History
Problems of Democracy/Economics
Social Studies Survey
Advanced Government
AP Psychology
STEM Science
Life Science
Earth Science
Advanced Biology
Physical Science
General Science
Academic Chemistry
AP Chemistry
Anatomy & Physiology
Foreign Language
Exploratory French 7
French I
French II
French III
French IV
French V
Exploratory Spanish 7
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish III
Spanish IV
Spanish V
Computer Science
Computer Science I
Computer Science II
Computer Science III
Multimedia Production
Cyber Security
Family & Consumer Science
Family Consumer Science 8
Advanced Family Consumer Science
Families Today, Living Today
Culinary Arts I
Culinary Arts II
Natural Living
Art 8
Studio Arts I-IV
Fine Arts I
Fine Arts II
Fine Arts III-IV