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Important Announcements 

Counseling Services

Contact Us

Miss Emily Peffer
9-12 School Counselor
724-662-2272 ext. 19


Miss Courtney Brown
7-8 School Counselor
7-12 SAP Coordinator
724-662-2272 ext. 18

Jennifer Flockerzi
Guidance Secretary
724-662-2272 ext. 20
724-662-2993 fax

CEEB CODE: 392560

The mission of the Mercer Area School Counseling Department is to provide a proactive, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate program to address students' academic and career goals in addition to supporting their personal and social needs. This is accomplished through a partnership with parents/guardians, staff, and community members to enable all students to become successful, productive, contributing citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse and changing world.

The school counselors provide positive, solution-focused individual counseling, group counseling, and classroom lessons to address the academic, social/emotional, and career developmental needs of all students. School counselors can help students and families with the following: concerns at school or home, friendship, social skills, self-esteem, grades, study skills, scheduling, graduation requirements, post-secondary planning, and more. There are several resources available for a variety of concerns. Reach out to your school counselor for help.

Student Assistance Program (SAP)
The Student Assistance Program provides individual and/or group counseling to students as needed on non-academic issues. This program is not designed as treatment, but as a system to link those students with experts who can offer help. Requests for help may be made by school personnel, friends, parents, or the student themselves. Miss Courtney Brown is the 7-12 SAP Coordinator.