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Important Announcements 


Technology Aide




Phone: 724-662-5104 ext. 28


Mr. David Foley

The technology department is designed for students to access information that will be helpful with school-related studies. Students will be permitted to use the Internet for reasons such as:

1. Communicating for collaborative purposes with a peer, teacher, college/university professor, or research located elsewhere in the world.

2. Gaining educational information or up-to-the-minute news from sources such as university libraries, government agencies, and research institutes.

3. Downloading public domain programs or shareware software needed for completing a class assignment.

Acceptable Use Policy

The middle/high school has an acceptable use policy for electronic devices. Normal cellular phone use and the use of other similar devices (Tablets, Ipods, E-Readers/Kindles, CD players, MP3 players, headphones, etc.) are prohibited in school from 7:45 a.m. - 3:15 p.m unless otherwise approved by a teacher for educational purposes only. PERMISSION FROM ONE TEACHER DOES NOT PROVIDE PERMISSION FOR THE ENTIRE DAY. Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off during school hours except during the student's lunch period.  The prohibition of cell phone use is extended to 4:15 p.m. for those students serving after-school detention. 

If a cellular phone or other electronic device is turned into the office during the school day, a parent/guardian will be notified and arrangements will be made to pick it up during school hours.
  -1st Violation – one (1) after-school detention
  -2nd Violation – two (2) after-school detentions
  -3rd Violation or more – Saturday detention(s).

Students that need to contact their parents/guardians should report to the main office to use the office phone. Contacting a parent/guardian by using a cell phone without permission will be considered a violation of the cell phone policy.