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Important Announcements 

School Board

Mercer Area School District School Board

Special school board meeting on December 20, 2024 at 11:45 a.m. in the
Mercer Middle/High School Cafeteria 

Board Meeting Information

The Mercer Board of Directors meets in the middle-high school library at 7:30 p.m., on the third Monday of each month, except December (date TBA) and January, February, March and April (the fourth Monday), as noted on the calendar. All meetings are public, and visitors are welcome to attend.

School Board Committee Meetings

Committee Meetings, when necessary, will be held the Thursday prior to the regular school board meeting at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are public, and visitors are welcome to attend.

The Board of Education consists of nine elected members serving terms of four years; terms of office are staggered so that there is a constant balance between experienced and new members sitting in session during the operation of the schools. The directors are responsible for the total operation of the public schools and are empowered to construct buildings as needed, raise monies for operating expenses, and formulate policies for personnel who are employed by the district. The directors also have a representative (Mr. Lengel) on the board of the Mercer County Career Center, located at 776 Greenville Road, Mercer, PA 16137. Phone: 724-662-3000.